Life Beyond the Grave Part I in Amray case and Part II in Wallet
Meet Real People Who Went to Heaven and Hell
It’s the most important decision you will ever make: Where will you spend eternity?
In this latest DVD, Pat Robertson takes you on a journey to examine the biblical truth concerning eternity. You’ll meet people who experienced death and visited both heaven and hell.
This riveting DVD will:
*Build your faith as you witness the words of the Bible come alive
*Prepare you to face your eternity with a stronger faith
*Provide you with a powerful witnessing tool to share with your loved ones
You will know beyond a doubt that the message of the Bible is true and that heaven and hell are real destinations for all of mankind.
Life Beyond the Grave – don’t face your future without it!
Colton Burpo: Glimpses of Heaven
Julie Papievis: To Heaven and Back
Randy Hicks: When Death Comes Knocking
Jim Anderson: Heaven Can Wait
Jeffrey Thompson: Encounter with God
Deerinda Lowe Gets a Second Chance
Ian McCormack: The Sting of Death
Abraham Raised from the Dead
In LIFE BEYOND THE GRAVE, Part II, Gordon Robertson introduces you to people whose lives have been forever changed by their encounters with death. You’ll hear their vivid descriptions of heaven, and their urgent warnings about hell. This riveting DVD will: Prepare you to face your eternity. Build your faith as you witness the promises of the Bible come alive. Provide you with a powerful witnessing tool to share with your loved ones.